The #1 Myth About Alcohol

If you struggle with overdrinking, it doesn’t mean you’re an alcoholic.

You can easily train your brain to “Drink Less” in just 6 weeks starting this February...

WITHOUT attending a 12-step program or giving up alcohol entirely!

Have you been a worried drinker who doesn’t

know where to turn?

The truth is we live in a drinking society…

And they say, "if you can’t manage your consumption, you must be an alcoholic."

And, typically, you're given only 2 options: 

Option 1: To quit entirely

Option 2: Live with all the negative effects of overdrinking

However, I discovered a third option…

Where you can drink mindfully again.

If you’re like me…

A 58-year-old Aussie woman who loves her Chardonnay, with a 54-year-old British partner who loves his ice-cold beers…

You may find it hard to imagine…

Going from a guzzling drinker to a more relaxed, “Happy to Drink Less” person…

Yet, even I was able to slow down my heavy drinking.

So I could still enjoy my favorite drinks occasionally.

And I’d like to show you how I was able to end the worry and drink moderately…

So, you can keep your health, and your beloved fizzy drink, too!

Don’t listen to the judgmental world telling you, “It’s time to quit!"

This breakthrough ‘drink less’ method can guide you to naturally drink less – starting right NOW.

It’s the perfect answer for successful, capable, and otherwise normal people…

Who began overdrinking like I did.

Because you CAN change the way you think about alcohol…

Where you aren’t triggered to overdrink anymore. 

And can live a healthier drink less life while still having fun while you drink.

Would you like to JOIN me in an exclusive private alcohol reduction journey that takes you from a regular heavy drinker…

To a healthier and happier "drink less" person in only 6 weeks?

We see people get into the habit of overeating…

Yet no one tells overeaters to stop eating, do they?

They just learn to eat less!

So why isn’t this the answer for over-drinkers?

Yet, this is exactly the breakthrough I discovered…

And I’m guessing you might feel there is a way to do this – or you wouldn’t be reading this right now.

I’ll explain my easy, at-home-solution in a moment…

First, let’s get the wine police to get off your back…

Because there’s a reason you’re drinking too much.

Once you understand it, changing your drinking habits will be easy.

With age, your ability to handle alcohol changes. 

After blowing out 50 candles on your cake, your body doesn’t metabolize alcohol the same way you did when you were younger. 

You’ll have MORE negative effects even if you are drinking the same amount.

More of a Beer Belly

Dehydrated and Aging Skin

Sleep Disruptions and Memory Loss

And possibly even Heart and Liver Disease

Plus, your ability to see the signs of getting tipsy will diminish... 

Making it harder to be mindful of how much you’re drinking…

So, it’s no wonder you’ve been frustrated with drinking.

These changes are natural, and you probably didn’t know…

So, let’s stop with the guilt and the shame right now…

Because You Can Dramatically Change Your Relationship With Alcohol and Watch Yourself Go From A Heavy Drinker to a Moderate, Healthy Drinker in Just 6 Weeks or Less!

I need you to know right NOW…

You’re not an alcoholic…

You don’t belong in a 12-step program…

And you don’t need a 2nd mortgage on your home for an expensive detox center…

You just got into an over drinking pattern.

And changing this is easier than you think…

Allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Georgia Foster, and I am a world-renowned Alcohol Reduction Expert with over 28 years of experience.

In fact, I have helped 108,996 people (and counting) significantly reduce their alcohol consumption with my PROVEN methods.

I studied with the best to learn the quickest way to retrain your brain as a hypnotherapist…

And I created breakthrough "Drink Less" methods to master the drinking impulse…

So you can enjoy your alcohol again – without overdoing it!

My methods had been so successful that many of the psychologists who trained with me began to ask me for help with their drinking habits.

That’s when I began flying around the country to show hundreds of working professionals how to regain their power again…

With a 97% success rate, my unique methods gained attention globally.

I've been featured on Sky News, The Morning Show, The Telegraph, The Times Newspaper, Good Housekeeping, and Psychologies Magazine, to name a few...

But here's the thing... I wasn’t always a world-renowned hypnotherapist…

I once was a heavy drinker too. And I began drinking because I was shy and wanted people to like me.

Then, as the years went by…

I began to experience more and more of the negative effects of alcohol in my life.

And I wanted to drink less – but I didn’t want to give up my beloved wine either…

Everyone told me if I wanted my life back, I’d have to give up alcohol completely.

And I didn’t want to!

After qualifying with the second-highest results in the largest and most prestigious hypnotherapy college in Europe, I realised that I needed to do something about my drinking. 

While building my clinic in the business district of London, I started attracting corporate clients from Goldman Sachs, Citibank, Deutsche Bank and many other large financial institutions...

These clients were highly successful in their industry, but they knew deep down that they were drinking too much.

They didn’t like overdrinking, and they felt lost and ashamed to admit they couldn’t control themselves.

Now, let me say this clearly…

They were NOT alcoholics!

They just had a habit of overdoing it.

And they wanted me to change this…

Soon, my schedule was filled.

Yet, I knew I had to share what I learned...

Because drinking too much has nothing to do with the alcohol. 

“It’s the thinking before the drinking – that’s the problem.”

Because alcohol gives you such a positive dopamine experience… 

Your subconscious mind quickly learns to consume more.

This would be fine – except for all the negative effects that come with it (when you have too much). 

In the past, you drank to fill an important need.

When you realise you can fill the same need without the booze, your brain will easily accept the change.

That’s where I come in.

I will show you how to get into a relaxed hypnotic state so you can change your drinking patterns easily and naturally. 

Hypnosis isn’t about pulling rabbits out of hats. 

It’s about accessing your inner mind to make lasting, positive changes.

This happens naturally once you’ve given your brain the right instructions – just like when you tune out and go on autopilot driving home.

You don’t even have to think about where you are going – your subconscious mind knows the pattern, so it takes you there without even having to think about it.

Retraining your brain is the easiest way to reduce your alcohol intake…

Hypnosis actually works 3x to 100x faster than traditional psychology methods.

And you won’t have to fight yourself to make the changes you really want. 

When you listen to the recordings and attend the weekly live hypnosis like you would experience in my clinic…

You’ll experience this relaxed state…

At first, you may not even notice the change…

Then suddenly, you’ll wake up one day and realise, the cravings have lessened...

Because you’ll have learned new ways to reward your brain.

So, if you’re ready to see magical changes like this in your life right now…

I’ve Made It My Personal Mission To Show More People Just Like You How to “Drink Less and Live More.”

And I’ve helped over 100,000 men and women to reduce their drinking and STOP the blame and the guilt they’ve been feeling…

I’ve written books and appeared on TV, sharing this message…

As the pioneer of an entirely NEW field – I’ve had many people tell me I should STOP because people who drink too much should QUIT drinking altogether…

Yet, people keep coming to me from all over the world…

Because they see – what I am doing is working.

Here’s What My Clients Are Saying: 

“If you just want to gain control over your drinking and still be able to enjoy the occasional glass of wine or a cocktail with friends, Georgia Foster’s approach is magic.” – Dush

“I’ve struggled with this for years. I was drinking a lot of alcohol every day and when I tried to cut down I couldn’t. This is absolutely life changing. I’m a new woman. Happy and content!!!” – Anon

“Georgia does a really great job at helping you regain control over how much you drink, so you don’t wind up being “that guy” at the company Christmas party.” – Brian Perkins

After many years of success in Europe and Australia…

My calendar was filled, and I was exhausted.

My US clients who used to fly in to see me in London said, “Georgia, we need you here.”

I was charging $600 per session – and more people kept coming. 

Because they felt embarrassed and unhappy about their drinking…

Family, friends, and even their doctors were saying, “It’s time to drink less.”

They were tired of the extra bulge around their belly, the droopy skin, and the potential liver problems…

Many tried everything they could think of…

Throwing thousands of dollars down the drain with failed attempts to drink less.

When they finally found me, they were happy to give me $4,800 (for 6 sessions) – because I got them quick results!

Yet, some needed a more affordable option…

Like Live Group Coaching – For a Fraction of My Normal Price

So, to fit more into my already busy schedule…

I created my Drink-Less Bootcamp. 

And it’s already done so much good. 

And Now, for A Short Time, You Can Benefit from the entire 6 Weeks to Drink Less Method (for even less than my normal sessions).

The Drink Less 6 Week Bootcamp, May Be Right for You If:

✅ You’ve tried to limit drinking on your own, yet keep slipping back into your old habits

You feel embarrassed and unhappy about your drinking, and family, friends, and even your doctor say you should be drinking less

You are an over-achiever who can only wind down after a drink

You drink to silence your busy brain syndrome, 

You are lonely, and alcohol is a form of entertainment

Your belly, skin, and LIVER need you to drink less

You wish there was a way to drink LESS because you don’t want to quit altogether


This February with me in-person...

My LIVE 6 Week Drink Less Mind Bootcamp:

Give me your attention for an hour and a half each week, and I’ll show you how to change your relationship with alcohol from a fast and furious daily occurrence to a slow-paced, pleasurable habit.

Each week, I’ll share a new ‘drink-less’ principle to shift your focus away from overdrinking, and then at the end of our Zoom call, I will hypnotise you live (in real-time), just like I do with my private one-on-one clients.

(And each call is completely confidential. No one has to know your name).

If, by chance, you can’t make the live session, it will be recorded for you to access anywhere and anytime you like.

Here’s What You’ll Get – In The Drink Less Bootcamp:

6 Weeks of my attention focused on your ‘drink less’ goals

✅ Each week, you’ll get a NEW technique to cope better with life without reaching for a glass or two

All the tools to show you how to move past your old drinking days to reach your drink less goals even faster 

Complete access to the same method that has changed the lives of over 100,000 drinkers PLUS a lot more!

As an extra bonus – I’ll also show you how to use these same hypnosis tools to Build Your Confidence and Lose Weight

Step by Step training to reduce anxiety, improve sober sleep and…

How to have successful regular alcohol-free days PLUS so much more.

I run my Drink Less Bootcamp twice a year, so jump in now and get yourself ready for a successful start to 2025 with the right health goals.

Create a slimmer, healthier mind and body without willpower!

Remember, it’s about YOU managing your alcohol – instead of it managing you!

(My private one-on-one clients paid over $4,800 for this)


When You Join My Drink Less Bootcamp, You’ll Also Get:

A 25-min. Guided Self-Hypnosis PLUS 1-hour Subliminal Recording every single week for FREE!

(Valued at $300 x 6 = $1,800)

Because I want this change to be simple and easy…

You can listen to these at night before you go to sleep or when you get up in the morning.

To go deep within your subconscious – and give you lasting change.

Your Price Today – For Peace of Mind

If you’re ready for the next “Drink Less Mindset Shift”, I want to give you…

✅ Lifetime access to the EASIEST way to drink less (from the privacy of your own home)

These are POWERFUL techniques to immediately change your emotional relationship with alcohol

My “Inner Dialogue” method so you can discover the drinking personalities that drive you to drink and meet the one that can save the day

Hypnotic and subliminal recordings are there to help you drink 50% or less

The tools to manage stress and weight gain so you have more energy and become more excited about life again!

For A Limited Time, 

You’ll Get ALL 6 Sessions for just $697.

This course is regularly $997.

(Please note we have multiple currency options).

But, today, I decided I am going to make the deal even better for you...

If you make the decision to sign up for my PROVEN Drink Less Bookcamp within the next 20 minutes...

I will knock off an additional $100!

That means you'll get this incredible

bootcamp for just $597.

That's $400 in savings, INSTANTLY!

But, remember, you must make your purchase within the next 20 minutes or else this additional $100 discount will expire.

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Now, before you can join my Drink Less Bootcamp for the special price of $597, you first need to review the dates and times available (spaces are limited).

Below are the current dates and times, which will be the same time each week for 6 weeks.

You will receive a Zoom link (same link each week) and all access details in one simple email when you book in:

Monday 10th February


Pacific time: 1pm

Mountain time: 2pm

Central time: 3pm

Eastern time: 4pm

United Kingdom

London: 9pm

Tuesday 11th February


Melbourne/Sydney: 8am

New Zealand 

Wellington: 10am

Duplicable Countdown Timer

 End Your Alcohol Cravings and

Get Your Health Back TODAY!

Are YOU Ready to Transform Your Life? 

Reduce Your Drinking by up to 50%…

If you follow the unique method in my Drink Less Bootcamp, you’ll reduce your drinking by 50% or more!

Let’s begin today, so you can enjoy a glass whenever you want - without the belly, the droopy skin, or the guilt.

Now For A Limited Time – 

You’ll Get ALL 6 Sessions for $597.

(That’s just $99.50 for each session).

The Next Drink Less Bootcamp Begins In Just:

Duplicable Countdown Timer

 Click Here To Drink Less TODAY!

Still wondering if This is Even Possible?

Here’s More Testimonials: 

Alcohol Became a TREAT – Not a Habit

“With this program, it’s not as hard as I imagined…. I’ve only had five small glasses of wine in the past 10 days (a huge improvement). I feel stronger now and more accepting of my current situation, so there is less of an internal struggle. Alcohol is now a treat for me, not a habit.” - Rebecca Smith, UK, Psychologies Magazine

Yesterday, Someone Asked If I’d Had a Facelift

“I don’t know if it’s because I have more energy and I am more active, but I’ve lost 7 pounds! People keep saying how well I look. I even got asked if I had a facelift. I thought I needed alcohol to relax, to make life more interesting, to make me more interesting. It’s just not true.” - Anonymous, The Independent Newspaper

I Enjoy My Alcohol – And I Have My Health Back Now

“My skin cleared up and I began sleeping better… By the end of the week, my usual total of 40 units is down to a more modest (for me) 21. Thanks to hypnotherapy… And the brilliant thing? I haven’t had to give up drinking completely.” - The Daily Mail, Liz Hoggard, UK

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(regularly $997)

 Click Here To Drink Less TODAY!

If this Bootcamp is not the right time for you I can let you know about the next date which will be later in the year.

May I Answer a Few Questions for You?

This Sounds Great – But Can I Really Be Hypnotized?

The ANSWER is yes, you can!

Because everybody is hypnotisable. 

I just place you into the comfortable and relaxed state you experience naturally every day – when you go to sleep and just before you wake up.

How often should I listen to the hypnosis recordings?

You’ll get the best results by listening to the recordings daily…

Yet, if you miss a day, you’ll be fine.

And you can even listen to these as you fall asleep…

Your brain will still hear exactly what you need it to!

It may not seem like anything is happening at first – yet by listening to the recordings 3 to 4 times a week, noticeable changes will come naturally.

What Happens if I Miss One of the Live Calls?

We are all in different time zones, and things can come up. 

That’s why all the Zoom sessions are recorded.

You’ll have instant access to all the recordings the moment they are uploaded in the members portal. And you can listen to them as many times as you need – when it works best for your schedule.

Do I Have to Tell My Friends, Family, and Doctor I’m Trying to Drink Less?

I believe this is your business and not anybody else's. 

All people around you will see in the next 6 weeks and beyond is a happier, healthier YOU – and, if you need to lose weight, a slimmer person who naturally drinks less!

Do you offer payment plans?

Yes, just click on the button to purchase, and you will see the different payment options. 

Okay, so how do I get started?

All you do is click on the purchase buttons and follow the steps. I’m excited to see the changes you will experience when you do!  

The Next Drink Less Bootcamp Begins In Just:

Duplicable Countdown Timer

 Click Here To Drink Less TODAY!

More Questions, Help or Support? Email:

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Copyright © 2024 - Georgia Foster, Suite 445, 100 Market Street, South Melbourne, 3205